Friday, 20 December 2013

Be Who You Are and Do What You Love

Your Personality and Finding the Right Career

How Do I find the Best Career For Me?
The secret to career satisfaction lies in doing what you enjoy most. Many of us become stuck in jobs that we feel we ought to do, often as a result of well-intentioned, but misguided, advice from school counselors, parents, teachers and friends. There is a huge correlation between personality type and career satisfaction. As a general rule, the more aspects of your personality you match to your work environment, the more satisfied you’ll be with your career.
The right job enhances your life. It is fulfilling because it supports the most important aspects of your personality by letting you utilize your innate strengths in ways that come naturally to you, and rarely requires you to do things you don’t do well. Different jobs and in fact, different aspects of jobs, satisfy different types of people. You might be in the right field but the wrong end of it.
Since the right job is dependent on all the elements of your personality type, figuring out who you are and what ‘turns your crank’ is the first step. Recognizing and understanding your personality type can change the way you see yourself which in turn affects everything you do and every aspect of your life including career choices.
For over 50 years, career counsellors and human resource specialists have been using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® personality tool to help individuals discover their innate gifts and possible blind spots so that they may seek out careers that will allow them to GO WITH THEIR STRENGTHS. If you are tired of swimming against the current and would like to find a job that is more in tune with your natural abilities, or if you have just started on a pathway to greater self-awareness, consider taking the MBTI personality assessment with Arlene.

Look for upcoming articles by Arlene Clark-Brown, MBTI Administrator, on: Career; Personality and Relationships; Personality and You; and Personality and Parenting.

To book an appointment with Arlene, contact:     613-837-9025     613-241-0005

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